How my journey began


I’m Angel Sandra - Life/Travel Mentor & Consultant.

My journey to become a Mentor & Consultant started just a few years ago. During the pandemic when I did not have a job or any source of income, life did become quite depressive. It was then I did a lot of thinking. My thoughts were mostly about what do I really want to do in life? I thought about what my purpose in life is? Why do I exist?

After many days and nights upon pondering on this thought, I knew if there was anything in this world that I wanted to do more than anything was to help people. Helping people is my most biggest passion…something I have already been doing for many years and brings me joy. So, making this my life-time career was the right time to start.

Since, I had already been providing coaching to friends and family, this was nothing new to me. All I had to do was step into the shoes of professionalism and make this happen.

I have personally travelled around the world to more than 30+ countries and have enough knowledge to share about travel, it's experiences and the experiences of life. Thus, I’m now dedicating my time to help others with any life or travel related issues.

If you are interested in having coaching sessions with me, please check out the coaching package or program that suits you best and book in to start your journey to a fulfilling life.

Much Love,


Mission Statement

Our vision is to make an impact on people’s lives, to bring improvement in a person’s life both in personal and professional areas. Self-improvement is becoming a better version of yourself and we want to help others achieve this goal in their lives. There are many circumstances that can bring a person down, they just need a little bit of help to lift them up and steer their life’s path in the right direction.

That’s where we come in!

We will help you in finding the correct direction personally and professionally and guide you through this journey till the end. Our aim is to be kind, loyal and compassionate not just to our clients but to anyone in the world. Being true to ourselves, we believe we can help several and influence millions!

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Dream it


Dream it 〰️

Chat with me

If you want to know if we are a good fit for each other and see how I can help you, please book in for an initial free 15-min chat with me.